Modupe Ajayi

Modupe Ajayi Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus: The first step on the journey of transformation

God orchestrated my journey, set doctors, nurses in place, gave me the gift of men too. And though it seems she was rejected by her very own, God gave her many fathers and mothers in return who loved her like their very own. And throughout her journey, she never lacked love. She thrived through love. […]

Hydrocephalus: The first step on the journey of transformation Read More »

Hydrocephalus: Remembering Didunoluwa’s life and her mother’s ordeal

The brain is one of the most vital organs of the body because it controls virtually all functions from thinking, movement to breathing, digestion, beating of the heart and so much more. The importance of a healthy brain can therefore not be underestimated. So, what about when things go south like hearing there’s excess water

Hydrocephalus: Remembering Didunoluwa’s life and her mother’s ordeal Read More »

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