Inclusive education

World Teacher’s Day

World Teacher’s Day: Embracing and improving attitudes towards inclusive learning

Every October 5 is set aside as World Teacher’s Day to appreciate and improve the efforts of teachers, as well as to provide them with opportunities. It has taken place every year since 1994 when the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) saw the need for teachers across the globe to be given […]

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Samara Spina Bifida

How Hydrocephalus, Spina Bifida almost subjected intelligent Samara to mercy killing

The expectancy of a first child means the world to every parent. It is an indescribable feeling of joy and happiness not just within the concerned family but beyond. The day of delivery, therefore, couldn’t come any sooner. So it was for Mr Hassan Funmilayo, a Design-Build Architect and Mrs Aminat Funmilayo, an accountant-turned-online fashion

How Hydrocephalus, Spina Bifida almost subjected intelligent Samara to mercy killing Read More »

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