Disability advocacy

Ephrance International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day: How Nadongo uses her SBH disability to accelerate progress

Having a disability in certain parts of world like in Africa can be a living hell. Such has been the experience of Ephrance Nadongo, a 26-year-old Ugandan living with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SBH) from birth but is making a difference and worthy of a spotlight on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024. International […]

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Rereoluwa Adeolu Spina Bifida

WSBH Day 2023: My experience living With Spina Bifida

Acording to my mum, I was born on Tuesday 27th, April 1999 at a hospital in Lagos State. Immediately I came out of my mom’s womb, it was discovered that I had an opening at my back where my spinal cord was not only visible but drawn out of my spinal bones. The doctors saw

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World Hydrocephalus Day: How Ephrance overcame hopelessness, discrimination and neglect

I am Ephrance Nadongo. I was born like any other child 25 years ago in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda but soon after my birth, doctors realised I had a birth defect called Spina Bifida, a very delicate birth defect that would affect my entire life. At only three days old, I had to

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How to build Emotional Resilience Part 2

Parenting a child with disabilities can be so complex and you find it to find meaning in this challenging and humbling journey. How do you find meaning and structure? Check my parenting journey by watching the video below. You will find it insightful and educative. Do not forget to to subscribe, like and comment and

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How to build emotional resilience

Parenting a child with disability comes with a lot of emotional roller coaster which can be overwhelming and could affect your parenting approach adversely. There is good news for you you can manage your anxieties and worries. Learn more in the video below: Please subscribe, comment and share. Thank you. Mrs Alexander is the Chief

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How to embrace positive mentality

Life is unfair to everyone. No one is immune to pain, struggles and challenges that tend to limit our joy most times. There is good news for us we have the power to see beyond our pain, struggles and challenges thst tend to overwhelm us. Pain can transform you to achieve growth. #Fact. How do

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Enhancing your parenting approach with the power of intention

Grace Alexander is the mother of a young man with disability. Over time, she learnt she could not overlook her own self care, something parents of children with disabilities tend to do due to the massive caring responsibilities, not to mention limiting beliefs associated with disabilities. Cultivating the mindset of acceptance requires recognising and challenging

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