Funto Oguntiloye

Funto Oguntiloye Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus: The painful physiotherapy experience I’m conquering

On the 27th of October, 2023, a beautiful Friday morning, I woke up grateful and thankful to God for the privilege to see another new day even as I continue living with Hydrocephalus. I woke with body pain, and as I mentioned in a previous story that I do physiotherapy regularly so as to regain […]

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Funto Oguntiloye Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus: My shunt replacement surgery experience

Living with Hydrocephalus has been a challenging one. Most times I wake up with headaches and most times body pain. I did a shunt replacement for the Hydrocephalus on March 2 last year at Obafemi Awolowo Teaching Hospital in Ile-Ife. I remember when the surgery was done, a lot of doctors were inside the theatre.

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Funto Oguntiloye Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus: How coping with discrimination strengthened Funto’s mental health

Nigerians living with disabilities are often marginalised and discriminated against, which has dire consequences not only for their daily living but mental health as well. The nine-month process from pregnancy to childbirth can be very complicated and delicate. When the child is born healthy however, those fears and anxieties are put to bed. Like for

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