I know that headline sounds funny. Like I’m mad or crazy, right? Feel free to be the judge of that. 😝
When we hear disability, what easily comes to mind is limitation, rejection, discrimination, stereotyping, struggle, suffering, hardship, evil, witchcraft, disaster and everything that one can negatively think of.
These are the standards society has used to judge and when those living with disability soak themselves in it, it can lead to a sense of helplessness, hopelessness, regret, even worthlessness. Imagine looking at yourself in the mirror thinking you are nothing because of society has judged and labelled you.
Should society however be the judge of what living a life with disability should be like? Absolutely not. Not even the immediate family should judge if they are not ready to have clearer eyes.
No one prays to have any form of disability but the truth is life happens and we have to move on from whatever it throws at us.
Instead of wallowing in pity, sadness and regret over disability, why not rise above it? Show the world you are not the negative label they see you as but rather an amazing, fearless, phenomenal and distinct personality from the creator of the universe.
Or you want to challenge the creator? Well, it is allowed in our deepest and darkest moments but remember He always has your interest at heart even if it seems like nothing is happening.
You see, if we continue to look at ourselves within the lens of disability, we are putting a cap and limitation over our lives. The moment we remove that lens, much of what seemed impossible becomes possible even if it is a little milestone.
Once we look beyond our disabilities, whatever medical condition we have, can no longer have any hold on us and we will be able to conquer the world, so much we even laugh and smile at it because of how far we have gone in the journey.
Anyone who is familiar with top Nigerian music producer Cobhams Asoquo, who is blind, and top Nigerian gospel artiste Yinka Ayefele, who is on a wheelchair, will have observed them acting in comic skits where their disabilities were being mocked.
They have done this over the years and it has not made them in anyway less but rather even bigger personalities, commanding bigger respects across the world. We now have people living with disabilities using it to produce comic content across social media and the internet.
If these folks never looked beyond their disabilities, they would most likely not have reached where they are today and will probably live miserable lives.
Your disability does not give you a pass to live the life you don’t want. Rise above it, and see how things will begin to work in your favour. It all starts with a positive mindset.
As world-renowned music artiste, Stevie Wonder, who is blind, said: “Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn’t mean he lacks vision.”
Remember, laughing is very therapeutic while feeling sad can put one in a depressive state.
Laugh over all the things you’ve overcome with your disability, put the sadness behind, for more days of laughter and joy are ahead. 🥂
Quite inspiring and Motivating
Thank you James.